We are all struggling with decisions regarding our kids and their upcoming school year. Here are our top 5 tips for a successful virtual back to school.
1. Make it routine as if your child was going to "normal" classes
- Stick to a usual morning routine. Research has shown that some of the most successful people on the planet have a great morning routine. Wake up, get dressed, eat some breakfast, and maybe a quick walk around the block to get those brain cells ready for the day.
2. Get plenty of sleep
- My child's sleep study has been pretty lax over the summer, so getting back to a specific bedtime is on our to do list. Children ages 3-6 are recommended to get 10-12 hours of sleep, ages 7-11 need 10-11 hours, and children over age 12 need at least 8 hours of quality sleep. These kids are going to have to focus on a screen much longer than before and will need to ensure they are well rested to perform their best! GO TO BED!
3. Create an environment conducive to learning
- Find a desk, corner of the dining room table, kitchen island, or anywhere that isn't their normal "hang out" spot to ensure your child is set up for success. Home offices are the newest fad, so make sure your child has their school office where they can focus and get their work done.
4. Lunch is just as important as breakfast
- Make sure there is a healthy lunch ready for your student. If it's ready to go they might even have some time to take a quick walk outdoors. Maybe lunch is an outdoor picnic everyday. Sunshine and a healthy lunch can make afternoon school work much easier to handle.
5. Let them "disconnect" when school is over
- Have you had a day full of zoom calls and projects? If so, you know it can be absolutely exhausting. After the school day is over, let your kids relax and do what they wish to do. If that means video games for on hour, let them. Try not to schedule any outings or events for the first week or so until there is a bit of an adjustment to their new normal. This is especially important for the younger kids as they adjust to their new normal.
This school year will be one like no one has ever experienced before. With limited sports, extra curricular activities, and contact with friends we need to make sure we are supporting our students. Be sure to check in with their mental and physical health. We will all get through this together.
Be supportive. Be patient. Be kind. Give yourself some grace. Stay healthy.
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